CSETS BladeRunners is an innovative Employment Readiness Program designed to give unemployed Indigenous youth a chance to gain valuable work experience and skills training that will help them make the transition to long-term employment. It provides life skills, job readiness skills, work experience, on-the-job training, job coaching and ongoing supports.
BladeRunners provides employers with a wage subsidy of $3 per hour for every $11 per hour (minimum) paid by the employer.
Silken Bob

Silken Bob is a Bladerunner success story. Silken took the Career Exploration through Bladerunners in partnership with Snaw Naw As First Nation. Her attendance and attitude were great. After completing the program, she applied for the front reception position at Snaw Naw As Nation and was successful!
Along with receiving many certifications (First Aid, WHMIS, Customer Service, Worksafe Safety, Bullying and Harassment, Employers and Employees Right and Responsibilities, WCB Hearing, Hazard Recognition Control, Confined Space and Musculoskeletal Prevention), she also received Lifeskills and Essentials that helped her get employment-ready.
Another part of the program that is becoming increasingly popular in all Bladerunner intakes is Cultural Teachings. This entails either going up to the mountains, or having the teachings in the community. The Snaw Naw As participants all participated in drum-making, canoeing, medicine walk, cedar weaving and carving.
Silken adds, “I really enjoyed the cultural part of the program. I learned to be proud of who I was and where I come from. I learned I need to know more of my culture!”
We are proud of Silken and congratulate her on her new job!

BladeRunners Coordinator – Glenn Boyda with Tsawout Graduate
Indigenous youth, between 15-30 years, who are unemployed but have a strong desire to work and are not receiving Employment Insurance are encouraged to join the program.
Participants will successfully complete industry-specific intensive skills enhancement courses, which will include certifications. All participants receive a stipend during the training.
Participates are then placed into the workforce to gain valuable work experience and skills. People sometimes begin with entry level jobs and move up to more challenging employment.